Nestled in the heart of a community lies a small church which is focused on reaching the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ and training those who have been found for God’s glory. CMBC is not focused on politics or class, but is modeled off the early church with the major emphasis being on Scripture. Starting back in 1936 the church has reached out and impacted many lives through the accurate preaching of the scripture and discipleship.
In the age of mega churches and celebrity pastors it is refreshing to find a church with biblical roots which is reflected in the preaching, discipleship, worship, and ministry. The Pastors at CMBC desire the congregation to become like the One who came to save them. Simply put, the goal of Colmar Manor Bible Church is:

“Finding the Lost, Training the Found,
For God’s Glory.”
We hope you will use this site as a valuable tool to see what the community at Colmar Manor Bible Church is currently doing. We also hope that you will come and join us on this journey as we find our individual callings in life as we worship the One who has given us life and has saved us.
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