Attributes of God Sermon Series

Join Dr. Burge as he explore three ways God shares His glory with His children: through Creation, Recreation, and the return of Jesus. As Christians, we're called to live our lives as a testament to His glory, radiating His light in a dark world. This message reminds us that we are not our own, having been bought with a price. Let's glorify God in both our bodies and our spirits.
- May 21, 2023Glory – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.
May 21, 2023Glory – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of God
Join Dr. Burge as he explore three ways God shares His glory with His children: through Creation, Recreation, and the return of Jesus. As Christians, we're called to live our lives as a testament to His glory, radiating His light in a dark world. This message reminds us that we are not our own, having been bought with a price. Let's glorify God in both our bodies and our spirits.
This sermon is rooted in the Word of God which provides practical application. From recalling past travels and experiences to understanding the eternal glory we share with our Heavenly Father, join Dr. Burge as he provides valuable information on the attribute of God's glory!This sermon is entitled: "Glory - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 14th of 14 messages from this series. - May 7, 2023Jealousy (Zeal) – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.
May 7, 2023Jealousy (Zeal) – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of God
In today's sermon, the focus is on exploring the facets of God's Jealousy / Zeal.
Point #1 highlights the profound truth that God ardently cares for and is passionate about His children. Moving on to Point #2, we discover how Jesus embodies zeal and fervor in His devotion to His heavenly Father. Finally, in Point #3, we are encouraged to actively and passionately serve God, emphasizing the significance of a dedicated and enthusiastic connection with the divine.
This sermon is entitled: "Jealousy / Zeal - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 13th of 14 messages from this series.
- Apr 30, 2023Wisdom – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.
Apr 30, 2023Wisdom – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of God
In this sermon, Dr. Burge draws an analogy between the game of hide and seek, and our quest to find God and His wisdom via the Bible. Although God is invisible, His wisdom is readily accessible to those who seek it.
Dr. Burge explores the attributes of God's wisdom, highlighting its role in salvation and sanctification. He also emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom from the Scriptures, which are described as God-breathed and capable of making individuals wise for salvation and life's challenges. The sermon concludes by urging believers to display God's wisdom and live in a way that reflects His wisdom to the world.
This sermon is entitled: "Wisdom - Attribute of God Sermon Series" This is the 12th sermon of 14 messages from this series.
- Apr 23, 2023Blessedness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.
Apr 23, 2023Blessedness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge, Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodThis sermon explores God's blessedness and our responsibilities as recipients of His blessings. It begins by highlighting that God is eternally blessed, even when humanity suppresses the truth about Him, as described in Romans 1:18-25. Since believers are blessed by the eternally blessed God, they should faithfully serve the Lord, spread His love and goodness to their neighbors, and grow in grace.The sermon concludes with a call to bless both God and people, drawing inspiration from Psalm 113 and Jesus' teachings on loving even our enemies. It underscores the significance of maintaining consistency in blessing both God and fellow human beings as a reflection of God's eternally blessed nature.This sermon is entitled: "Blessedness - Attribute of God Sermon Series" This is the 11th sermon of 14 messages from this series.
- Apr 16, 2023Perfection – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Apr 16, 2023Perfection – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodIn Matthew 5:48, Jesus calls us to be perfect, just as our Father in heaven is perfect. Dr. Burge explores the significance of striving for perfection in our walk with the Lord.He starts by illustrating the importance of aiming for perfection and why 99.9% defect-free is not good enough. We live in an imperfect world, but we serve a perfect God. God's perfection is reflected in His works, His ways, and His Word.The sermon concludes with a call to strive for Christlikeness, understanding that while we are declared righteous through faith in Jesus, our journey towards perfection continues through progressive sanctification. Let's aim for perfection in our pursuit of Christlikeness, guided by God's perfect work, way, and Word.This sermon is entitled: "Perfection - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 10 of 14 messages from this series.
- Mar 26, 2023Righteousness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Mar 26, 2023Righteousness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of God
Join Dr. Ken J Burge Sr.'s sermon on righteousness as he explores four pivotal points that illuminate its importance in our spiritual paths.
He begins by asserting that "God is righteousness," highlighting it as an inherent aspect of God's nature, which forms the basis for the subsequent discussions. The second point emphasizes the link between God's righteous essence and the revelations found in His Word. These scriptural insights serve as a guiding mirror to align believers with divine principles. Point three accentuates the role of unwavering faith in embracing God's righteousness, enabling a profound internalization of this divine attribute.
The sermon culminates in the 4th point, where Dr. Burge Jr. urges listeners to actively pursue righteous living. By aligning actions and choices with righteousness, individuals undergo transformative growth and mirror God's character in their daily lives. The sermon effectively blends theological insights with practical advice, offering a comprehensive grasp of righteousness and its significance for believers' spiritual journeys.
This sermon is entitled: "Righteousness - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 9 of 14 messages from this series. - Mar 19, 2023Love – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Mar 19, 2023Love – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of God
In this relevant message on love, Dr. Ken Burge Sr highlighting two key points:
Point #1: "God has demonstrated His love for mankind." Through biblical insights, discover the depths of God's unfailing love and how it has been revealed to humanity via His Son. Point #2: "We must demonstrate our love for God."
As Dr. Burge Sr. unfolds this point, he shares invaluable insights on how we can tangibly demonstrate our love for the Almighty. From obedience to cherishing His Word, from loving our neighbors to showing love even to our enemies, and ultimately, embracing love for one another.
This sermon is entitled: "Love - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 8 of 14 messages from this series.
- Mar 12, 2023Faithfulness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Mar 12, 2023Faithfulness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodDr. Ken Burge Sr. explores the attribute of God's faithfulness and how it relates to us. He will teach two employment points from Scripture.Employment Point #1 takes us on a journey through God's unwavering faithfulness as seen in His words, works, and people. As we discover the unyielding faithfulness of our Creator, we are encouraged to align our hearts with His divine teachings, works, and the people He places in our lives.During Employment Point #2, we are reminded of our call to be faithful to God's Word, works, and people. This includes honoring the Lord's chosen leaders, and recognizing the scarcity of faithful men, as beautifully penned in Proverbs 20:6: "Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?" As Theodore Roosevelt wisely said, "It is better to be faithful than famous."So, let us come together as a community, embracing God's everlasting faithfulness and choosing to be steadfast in our devotion to Him. As we reflect on the timeless hymn, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," let it inspire us to practice this precious communicable attribute of God's faithfulness in our daily lives.This sermon is entitled: "Faithfulness - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 7th of 14 messages from this series.
- Mar 5, 2023Truth – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Mar 5, 2023Truth – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodIn this sermon, Dr. Ken Burge Sr. addresses the crucial topic of situational ethics and how they stand in direct opposition to the very nature of God, who is the embodiment of truth.
Throughout the sermon, two Biblical points are explored in depth: Know the God of Truth and Live According to God's Truth.
This sermon is entitled: "Truth - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 6th of 14 messages from this series.
- Feb 26, 2023Longsuffering – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Feb 26, 2023Longsuffering – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodWelcome to Dr. Ken Burge Sr.'s sermon on "The Attributes of God: Longsuffering." In this Biblical message, Dr. Burge explores the concept of longsuffering, which embodies God's patient and slow-to-anger nature, even in the face of provocation or wrongdoing.Drawing inspiration from various biblical stories, Dr. Burge delves into the meaning of longsuffering and its implications for our lives. The Bible offers us numerous instances that exemplify God's longsuffering. From His enduring patience with the Israelites, despite their worship of the golden calf, to His deliberate delay in the return of Jesus. God's longsuffering stems from His profound desire for repentance and salvation for all humanity.As believers, we are called to mirror God's longsuffering in our own lives. Dr. Burge emphasizes the significance of cultivating patience and forgiveness towards others. By embodying longsuffering, we foster unity within the body of Christ and witness the development of spiritual fruit in our lives. This divine attribute is deeply intertwined with love and empowered by the Holy Spirit.Ultimately, longsuffering leads to blessings and the fulfillment of God's promises. Through this sermon, you will be encouraged to embrace the attribute of longsuffering, allowing it to transform your relationships with both God and man.
- Feb 19, 2023Mercy – Attribute of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Feb 19, 2023Mercy – Attribute of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodWelcome to Dr. Burge's sermon on Mercy. He will exam this attribute of God and explain how a Christian should display mercy. He has two major points in this sermon.Point One: "Marvel at the Mercy of God" In this segment, Dr. Burge explores the boundless nature of God's mercy. Drawing from biblical stories and personal experiences, he unveils the extent to which God's mercy knows no bounds. Discover how God's mercy encompassed the disobedient Israelites, forgiving their transgressions and extending pity to those who fear Him. He also delve into the everlasting nature of God's mercy, reaching from eternity to eternity. Dr. Burge also looks at the inheritance and future blessings that believers receive through God's abundant mercy. These blessings are described as incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading.Point Two: "Manifest the Mercy of God" Dr. Burge delves into the significance of manifesting God's mercy in our lives as believers because all Christians must navigate through the challenges of persecution, suffering, and misrepresentation that are inevitable in a fallen world. However, God's word teaches that through these trials, believers are comforted by God and equipped to extend mercy and comfort to others facing similar struggles. Dr. Burge uncovers the importance of performing acts of compassion with pure motives, without seeking recognition or praise from others. Instead, he encourage you to engage in secret acts of mercy, knowing that God sees and rewards your efforts. Learn how to approach different individuals with discernment and compassion as you share valuable insights on manifesting God's mercy in your interactions.This sermon is entitled: "Mercy - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 4 of 14 messages from this series.
- Feb 12, 2023Grace – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Feb 12, 2023Grace – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodWelcome to Dr. Burge's sermon on grace as he looks at 7 main truths about grace. With over 40 years of experience as a pastor, he has dedicated several decades to preaching and teaching about God's amazing grace. In this captivating session, Dr. Burge unravels the essence of grace, defined as unmerited favor, or in other words, God's bestowal of what we don't deserve.Drawing inspiration from Psalm 77:9, where Asaph poses a poignant question, "Has God forgotten to be gracious?" Dr. Burge emphatically asserts that God cannot forget to be gracious, as it is an intrinsic part of His divine nature. From His eternal being, there is an endless outpouring of favor for those who rely on Him. Now, let's delve into the seven enlightening points that Dr. Burge explores:Point #1: You Are Saved By Grace. Discover the profound truth that our salvation is solely based on God's grace. It is through His unmerited favor that we are rescued.Point #2: You Stand By Grace. Explore how grace enables us to stand firm in our faith. It is only through the grace of God that we can withstand the challenges and trials that come our way.Point #3: You Are Commanded To Grow In Grace. Uncover the significance of growing in grace. As believers, we are called to continually develop and mature in our understanding of God's grace.Point #4: Your Speech Should Be Controlled By Grace. Learn how grace should shape our speech and communication. Discover the transformative power of gracious words and their impact on our relationships and interactions with others.Point #5: Grace Enables You To Be Strong In Spiritual Warfare. Explore the role of grace in empowering us to overcome spiritual battles. Discover how God's grace equips us with the strength and resilience needed to face the challenges of spiritual warfare.Point #6: Grace Is Available From The Throne Of Grace. Discover the limitless availability of grace. Dr. Burge unveils the profound truth that grace flows abundantly from the throne of grace, inviting us to approach God boldly and receive His unending favor.Point #7: Grace is received by those who are humble and not proud. Uncover the crucial role of humility in receiving God's grace. Dr. Burge emphasizes that those who humbly approach God are the ones who truly experience the fullness of His grace.As Dr. Burge concludes his sermon, he takes a closer look at how the apostle Paul achieved his goals through grace. Prepare to be inspired as you witness the transformative power of grace in the life and ministry of one of Christianity's most influential figures. Join us on this journey through the intricacies of grace, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for God's incredible grace. Don't miss out!This sermon is entitled: "Grace - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 3 of 14 messages from this series.
- Feb 5, 2023Goodness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Feb 5, 2023Goodness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of God
Join us in a thought provoking sermon by Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr. on "The Attributes of God: Goodness". In this message, Dr. Burge gives two employment points that highlights the importance of contemplating and illustrating the goodness of God.
Drawing from many biblical sources including Genesis and the epistles of Paul and James, he discusses how God's goodness is evident in creation and the gift of salvation. He also shares practical ways in which we can become a reflection of God's goodness through our actions and behavior, and warns of the consequences of failing to do so. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of God's goodness and how it can impact your life and those around you. Tune in both physically and spiritually!This sermon is entitled: "Goodness - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 2 of 14 messages from this series. - Jan 29, 2023Holiness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.
Jan 29, 2023Holiness – Attributes of God Sermon Series with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr.By: Dr. Ken BurgeSeries: Attributes of GodIn this sermon, Dr. Burge shares two essential points from his study on holiness. The first point is to Worship God who is majestically holy. The second point is to imitate God who is morally holy. He also explains that the communicable attribute of God’s holiness means that not only is the Lord morally holy, but He also desires us to be like Him.In closing, Dr. Ken poses a question to you. Have you ever dedicated or presented your spirit, soul, and body to God? If not, there is no time like the present. He leaves you with a powerful verse from Romans 12:1–2. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”Join us as Dr. Ken Burge Sr shares his insights on holiness and how it can change your life. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to get updates on our latest videos.This sermon is entitled: "Holiness - Attribute of God Sermon Series." This sermon is the 1 of 14 messages from this series.