In this episode the pastors will dive into the story of a father who turns to Jesus to save his dying son. The pastors will challenge you to examine your own faith and whether you limit Jesus’ power by failing to fully understand His identity as Messiah and King. Do you trust in His promises even in the midst of your own dilemmas? Do you long for signs more than Jesus’ words? Join in on this thought-provoking discussion with Dr. Ken J. Burge Sr. and Pastor Kenny Burge Jr. as they explore the themes of faith, identity, and trust in Jesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the character and attributes of Christ from the Gospels. Tune in to Podcast #13, “Jesus Heals An Official’s Son,” now. This is episode #13 of the Podcast.
E13 | Jesus Heals An Official’s Son | John 4:46-54 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
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