Nov 23, 2022

E6 | Jesus’ 1st Miracle | John 2:1-12 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Series: Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
In today's podcast - the pastors will talk about "Jesus' First Miracle from John 2:1-12." This includes the topics of drinking, bringing your friends with their problems to Jesus, and how you can be used by God when you simply obey His word.
- Nov 23, 2022E6 | Jesus’ 1st Miracle | John 2:1-12 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Nov 23, 2022E6 | Jesus’ 1st Miracle | John 2:1-12 | Father & Son Pastoral PodcastSeries: Father & Son Pastoral PodcastIn today's podcast - the pastors will talk about "Jesus' First Miracle from John 2:1-12." This includes the topics of drinking, bringing your friends with their problems to Jesus, and how you can be used by God when you simply obey His word.
- Nov 10, 2022E5 | Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael | John 1:43-51 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Nov 10, 2022E5 | Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael | John 1:43-51 | Father & Son Pastoral PodcastSeries: Father & Son Pastoral PodcastIn today's podcast - the pastors will talk about "Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael."Join the father and son pastoral team - Pastor Ken Burge Sr and his son - Pastor Kenny Burge Jr as they work through every word Jesus said! Listen in to their conversation and gain wisdom from the pastors at Colmar Manor Bible Church.This is episode #5 of the Podcast. Captions are auto generated. The main passage covered in today's podcast is: John 1:43-51 Podcast - - -
- Nov 2, 2022E4 | Jesus’ 1st Call of John, Andrew, & Peter | John 1:35-42 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Nov 2, 2022E4 | Jesus’ 1st Call of John, Andrew, & Peter | John 1:35-42 | Father & Son Pastoral PodcastSeries: Father & Son Pastoral PodcastIn today's podcast - the pastors will discuss "Jesus' 1st Call of John, Andrew, & Peter." We will learned how Jesus invited His future disciples to "Come and see."Join the father and son pastoral team - Pastor Ken Burge Sr and his son - Pastor Kenny Burge Jr as they work through every word Jesus said! Listen in to their conversation and gain wisdom from the pastors at Colmar Manor Bible Church.This is episode 4 of the Podcast. Captions are auto generated. The main passage covered in today's podcast is: John 1:35-42
- Oct 27, 2022E3 | Jesus is Tempted | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matt 4:1-11 | Mark 1:12-13 | Luke 4:1-13
Oct 27, 2022E3 | Jesus is Tempted | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast | Matt 4:1-11 | Mark 1:12-13 | Luke 4:1-13Series: Father & Son Pastoral PodcastJoin the pastors as they explore the significance of using the Word of God as a weapon against the cunning schemes of Satan. Discover how Jesus' resolute faith and unwavering reliance on scripture paved the way for His victory over temptation, setting an example that resonates deeply with Christians of all walks of life. Hosted by the esteemed father and son pastoral team, Pastor Ken Burge Sr. and Pastor Kenny Burge Jr., this episode promises a soul-stirring exploration of Jesus' encounter with temptation. The main passages covered in today's podcast are: Matthew 4:1-11 | Mark 1:12-13 | Luke 4:1-13.
- Oct 26, 2022E3 | Jesus is Tempted | Matt 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Oct 26, 2022E3 | Jesus is Tempted | Matt 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13 | Father & Son Pastoral PodcastIn today's podcast - the pastors will discuss how "Jesus was Tempted" and how He overcame those temptations. Understanding how Jesus had victory over temptation can equip all Christians to do likewise!Join the father and son pastoral team - Pastor Ken Burge Sr and his son - Pastor Kenny Burge Jr as they work through every word Jesus said! Listen in to their conversation and gain wisdom from the pastors at Colmar Manor Bible Church. This is episode #3 of the Podcast.Captions are auto generated. The main passages covered in today's podcast are: Matthew 4:1-11 | Mark 1:12-13 | Luke 4:1-13 |Podcast - - -
- Oct 17, 2022E2 | Jesus is Baptized | Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Oct 17, 2022E2 | Jesus is Baptized | Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1 | Father & Son Pastoral PodcastSeries: Father & Son Pastoral PodcastIn today's podcast - the pastors tackle "Jesus' Baptism." Many issues are discussed including Jesus' identity and the foolishness of racism.Join the father and son pastoral team - Pastor Ken Burge Sr and his son - Pastor Kenny Burge Jr as they work through every word Jesus said! Listen in to their conversation and gain wisdom from the pastors at Colmar Manor Bible Church.This is episode #2 of the PodcastMain Passages - - -The main passages covered in today's podcast are: Matthew 3:13–17, Mark 1:9–11, Luke 3:21–22, and John 1:29-34.Highlights - - -0:00 - Intro to the passage0:54 - Main question: Why was Jesus Baptized?1:22 - Pastor Ken’s personal experience at the Jordan River3:45 - The Baptism is all about Jesus’ identity4:52 - The results of Jesus’ Baptism9:41 - John did not know the identity of the Messiah15:58 - The trinity is seen in the baptism of Jesus16:51 Pastor Ken - look for God’s Conformation in your life22:45 - why Jesus begin His ministry at the age of 3028:42 - Our identity is found in Christ’s identity31:00 - Employment 1 - Do I identify with Jesus & humbly submit to the Father?32:48 - Pastor Kenny: The annoyance of the arrogant “good ol’ boys network”34:07 - Employment 2 - Do I obey God’s word even when it seem illogical?35:07 - Personal stories on the stupidity of racism inside the church40:33 - Employment 3 - Have I embraced my identity in Christ?
- Oct 13, 2022E1 | Young Jesus in The Temple | Luke 2:41-52 | Father & Son Pastoral Podcast
Oct 13, 2022E1 | Young Jesus in The Temple | Luke 2:41-52 | Father & Son Pastoral PodcastSeries: Father & Son Pastoral PodcastIn today's podcast - the pastors tackle Luke 2:41-52 on Young Jesus in the Temple. Many issues are discussed in this enlightening conversation between a father and his son. This Podcast is from Pastor Ken Burge Sr and his son - Pastor Kenny Burge Jr as they work through every word Jesus said!Feel free to download it to your device or watch it.The podcast can also be found at:
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 5_23-28 – Paul’s Pastoral Wish For The Saints
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 5_23-28 – Paul’s Pastoral Wish For The SaintsSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 5:23-28 - Paul's Pastoral Wish For The Saints" This sermon is the 14th of 14 messages from 1 Thessalonians Sermon Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 30 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at 0:00 Sermon Introduction 0:34 Opening Illustration 1:35 Three Questions 2:15 Bible Reading 2:55 Prayer 3:34 Point #1 (Verses 13-24) 26:35 Point #2 (Verses 25-27) 33:34 Point #3 (Verse 28) 34:56 Final Thoughts & Challenges
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 5_12-22 – Practical Exhortations Promoting Church Health
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 5_12-22 – Practical Exhortations Promoting Church HealthSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 5:12-22 - Practical Exhortations Promoting Church Health" This sermon is the 13th of 14 messages from 1 Thessalonians Sermon Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 30 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at 0:00 Sermon Introduction 0:57 Opening Illustration 2:30 Four Questions 3:19 Bible Reading 4:20 Prayer 4:50 Point #1 (Verses 12-13) 15:45 Point #2 (Verses 14-15) 23:11 Point #3 (Verses 16-28) 27:50 Point #4 (Verses 16-28) 35:13 Final Thoughts & Challenges
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 5_1-11 – Will Church Age Saints Experience the Day of the Lord
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 5_1-11 – Will Church Age Saints Experience the Day of the LordSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 5:1-11 - Will Church Age Saints Experience the Day of the Lord?" This sermon is the 12th of 14 messages from The Book of I Thessalonians Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 4_13-18 – Encouraging Details About The Rapture Revealed
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 4_13-18 – Encouraging Details About The Rapture RevealedSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 4:13-18 - Encouraging Details About The Rapture Revealed" This sermon is the 11th of 14 messages from 1 Thessalonians Sermon Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 4_9-12 – The True Expansion of Philadelphia (Brotherly Love)
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 4_9-12 – The True Expansion of Philadelphia (Brotherly Love)Series: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 4:9-12 - The True Expansion of Philadelphia (Brotherly Love)" This sermon is the 10th of 14 messages from the 1 Thessalonians Sermon Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 4_1-8 – The Necessity To Walk In God’s Way And Will
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 4_1-8 – The Necessity To Walk In God’s Way And WillSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: " I Thessalonians 4:1-8 - The Necessity To Walk In God's Way And Will" This sermon is the 9th of 14 messages from The Sermon on the Mount Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 3_6-10 – Be Good News To Energize Your Spiritual Leaders
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 3_6-10 – Be Good News To Energize Your Spiritual LeadersSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 3:6-10 - Be Good News To Energize Your Spiritual Leaders" This sermon is the 7th of 14 messages from The Sermon on the Mount Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 2_1-12 – Be A Self-Sacrificing Happy Herald
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 2_1-12 – Be A Self-Sacrificing Happy HeraldSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 2:1-12 - Be A Self-Sacrificing Happy Herald." This sermon is the 3rd of 14 messages from The Sermon on the Mount Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 1_5-10 – Do You Have Credible Witnesses To Your Election
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 1_5-10 – Do You Have Credible Witnesses To Your ElectionSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 1:5-10 - Do You Have Credible Witnesses To Your Election?" This sermon is the 2nd of 14 messages from The Book of I Thessalonians Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 1_1-4 – What Should Christian Models Display
Jan 31, 2022I Thessalonians 1_1-4 – What Should Christian Models DisplaySeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "I Thessalonians 1:1-4 - What Should Christian Models Display?" This sermon is the 1st of 14 messages from The Book of I Thessalonians Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 20221 Thessalonians 3_11-13 – Prayers For A Return Trip And For The Saints Not To Trip Up
Jan 31, 20221 Thessalonians 3_11-13 – Prayers For A Return Trip And For The Saints Not To Trip UpSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 - Prayers For A Return Trip And For The Saints Not To Trip Up" This sermon is the 8th of 14 messages from The Sermon on the Mount Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 20221 Thessalonians 3_1-5 – Sacrificing Your Security For Others Shows What
Jan 31, 20221 Thessalonians 3_1-5 – Sacrificing Your Security For Others Shows WhatSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "1 Thessalonians 3:1-5 - Sacrificing Your Security For Others Shows What?" This sermon is the 6th of 14 messages from The Sermon on the Mount Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at
- Jan 31, 20221 Thessalonians 2_17-20 – The Display, Opposition, & Reward To Authentic Believers
Jan 31, 20221 Thessalonians 2_17-20 – The Display, Opposition, & Reward To Authentic BelieversSeries: The Book of 1 ThessaloniansPastor Ken Burge Sr is the Senior Pastor at Colmar Manor Bible Church which is located on the DC/Maryland border. This sermon is entitled: "1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 - The Display, Opposition, & Reward To Authentic Believers" This sermon is the 5th of 14 messages from The Sermon on the Mount Series. Pastor Ken Burge has earned; BA, Washington Bible College; MA & MDiv, Capital Bible Seminary; DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary; and is the Author of the F.I.R.E. Commentary Series He has been the Senior Pastor at CMBC for over 29 years. For more information on today's passage - you can read Pastor Ken's commentary - 1st and 2nd Thessalonians on F.I.R.E. This along with his other commentaries can be found at